Scadenza: 30/05/2022 Ore: 12:00

Riferimento Bando: Bando CTS Eng

The Area di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste – Area Science Park, a national public research entity, announces a selection procedure to appoint an external member of the Technical-Scientific Board (TSB) of the Institution.

The Technical-Scientific Board of the Institution comprises seven members appointed by the Board of Directors of Area Science Park, including two internal and five external. The two internal members are elected. The right to stand for election and the right to vote are given to researchers and technologists who are in service on a permanent, specified basis at the Institution as at the date of the ballot. External members are selected by public notice and appointed from among well-known Italian or foreign business people, managers, professionals, scientists or scholars (article 20, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of the Articles of Association).
The Technical-Scientific Board acts in an advisory capacity for the strategies of the Institution. It formulates proposals and expresses opinions on the planning actions and strategic vision and activities related to enhancing the value of research and enterprise at European and international level through technology transfer and operational methods, the promotion of international technical-scientific cooperation, cooperation with public and private parties in the area of research, technology transfer and the support of technological and organisational innovation for businesses and production sectors, training to develop enterprise and for the management of research and innovation, the promotion of networks of scientific and business excellence (article 21, paragraph 1 of the Articles of Association). More specifically, the Technical-Scientific Board:
a) gives its technical-scientific advice to the Board of Directors on the proposals of the three-year plan of activities, the related updates and the ten-year strategic vision document;
b) gives the Board of Directors its technical-scientific advice on proposals to identify the areas and sectors of scientific and technological research, in line with the official purpose and the strategic guidelines of the Institution, and to identify the mechanisms for the internal assessment of the research;
c) acts as an advisor at the request of the Board of Directors, which establishes the timeframes by which the advice has to be given, after which the Board may disregard it; d) identifies the possible development lines for the research and consequent impact on the economic and industrial sectors;
e) prepares an annual report on the activities carried out for the Board of Directors;
f) exercises any other function assigned by law, the Articles of Association or the regulations of the Institution (article 21, paragraph 2 of the Articles of Association).

All the documentation provided to the TSB shall be drawn up in Italian and all documents that the TSB sends the Board of Directors must also be written in Italian.

The appointment will involve the occasional presence at the offices of the Institution, located in Trieste, in Padriciano no. 99, subject to the option to take part in meetings via video conference in accordance with the rules that are established by the Institution’s organisation and operating rules.

Assignment, duration and consideration for the appointment
After completion of the assessment by the expert committee, the suitable candidates will be submitted to the Board of Directors who will designate the external members of the Technical-Scientific board, taking account of the gender equality principle.
The Board of Directors of the Institution will appoint the chosen candidates for a four-year duration starting from the date set out by decision of the Board of Directors, and may be reappointed one time only.
In order to carry out the appointment, an attendance fee will be provided of Euro 97.20 for each day/meeting in which the members take part. Expenses will be reimbursed for any travel, but must be previously authorised.

Procedure manager and terms
In accordance with article 5 of Law no. 241 of 7 August 1990, the Manager of the procedure pursuant to this notice is the General Manager of the Institution, Ms Anna Sirica.
Information may be requested from:
TSB Administrative Office,
tel. 040-3755204